My adoring fans, all two of them (my sister and niece), have asked for photos of the actual boat, so here they are. You will quickly understand why I went with the stock photos: I ain't no photographer! But your wish is my command.
This picture shows two anchors (only one is fully visible), radar, two kayaks, a light anchor on the port rail for stern ties, a man overboard pole, life raft, and our dinghy.
This one is taken from just behind the mast and gives you a better view of our roof, which is home to the life raft (left of the hatch), our upside down dinghy, and our solar panels (which are just barely visible behind the dinghy. The solar panels are really cool in that Steve Sands, our boat outfitter, cleverly devised a mounting system that allows us to tilt the panels toward the sun, which greatly increases their output.
This one shows our stern, where she proudly displays her name. The white box on the port side is the lifesling. There are two motors on the starboard side, one Evinrude 9 hp and a Torqueedo 2hp electric motor (just behind the big one). Steve built us a clever mount on the transom for the Evinrude that allows us to mount it as shown or turn it around on the inside of the porch (for when the seas are too rough for it to be mounted outside). Steve also invented a way to use the same mount on our swim platform so that we can use the Evinrude in the unlikely event that the diesel inboard motor fails. Isn't he just the most clever man???
This one shows our cockpit with all of the bells and whistles we added to the dashboard. There are two radios on the right, one of which is hidden by the co-pilot's chair.
I haven't taken any other inside the boat pictures as I just don't have a fancy enough camera to do that. I hope these pictures will suffice.
do you have the contact info for steve sands ~ what options did you install on your island packet and what else do you recommend thanks...