We dinghied in as far as we could go, to a short waterfall that was roughly 10' high, and wondered where to tie up. (The guide books were mum on that score.) I scrambled to the top of the waterfall in an attempt to figure it out. Clearly this wasn't the way most cruisers got to the pools above - too much climbing involved! We finally figured out an appropriate place to tie the dinghy up to: under a big tree with low-hanging branches to the right of the falls. And voila! Under this canopy we discovered a well-worn trail straight up a very steep bank. Maybe these cruisers DID have a bit of climber in them after all: lots of veggie belays (roots for hand and footholds). After a very brief, steep hike we found nirvana! Multiple pools of crystal-clear water with mini-waterfalls in between. A rope swing hung down over the largest pool and there were flattish rocks to lay on for sunning yourself like a seal on the beach. The pleasant sound of rushing water and birds flying overhead and full sun to warm you after an envigorating swim made for a wonderful afternoon. Heaven on earth!
When we first got there, we heard a loud engine approaching so we reluctantly put on our bathing suits. After half an hour, however, no one actually materialized so I scurried over the many rocks back to the first waterfall to see if I could see anyone or any boat coming. I saw no one so I came back and reported to Brad that we had it to ourselves so we should go "au naturel"! We were playing on the rope swing when Brad yelled "PEOPLE!" Wouldn't you know it? Busted! The man and woman that were approaching were kind enough to pretend to be studying the waterfalls long enough for us to dive back into the pool and swim back to our clothes on the opposite side, and allowed us to make ourselves presentable before coming closer.
Biggest pool with rope swing at Lucky Creek |
The water was cold but very refreshing, so as long as the sun is out, I would definitely swim here again. This place is an enchanting, fairytale-like spot that has to be seen in person on a hot summer day to really appreciate it to its fullest.
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